Safety Rules to Have Fun and Enjoyable Ice Skating


Ice Skating is popular and sporting activities for everyone that involves movement over ice with the use of ice skates. This is nice and fun activities for you and your kids. If your child interested in this kind of play, ice skating lessons in Dubai will help you to understand more about skating and teach you the safety rules in ice skating.

Safety Positions

The important rules of ice skating is always keep your knees bent down o keep your balance. You can stretch out your arms to maintain the balance. If this the first time, you can start by walk small steps. Bend your knees more, maintain the straight balance and step fast so you can move faster. If you want to stop, you must push your skates in the ice in halting position.

Dress Properly

Make sure that you wear warm clothes, tall socks and gloves to keep and protect you from cold. Wear a helmet because children cannot avoid falling down while skating.

If your child feel that they’re going falling down, tell them that bend their knees and put hands on their knees to prevent falling down. If your kids fall down, they must get up quickly.  Hold them from behind so they can learn how to balance.

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